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Monday, December 27, 2004

Tsunami Effects

Who said Malaysia would never be hit by some earth quake or tremors? We had it right there and then yesterday, but KL was relatively unaffected.

Penangites - I hope you guys are handling it well. And government efforts to make Penang the "Pearl of the Orient" once again in its full glory would have to be shelved for now. I think the escalating death tolls at about 50 - 60 people at about 2 pm (press time), should have increased by now. I mean, there were 30 unaccounted for.

How about those caught in the Thai diving cave. Man, they were so lucky that they could they were saved! 2 casualties out of the 70 that were caught there is amazing. So thankful more did not perish.

I guess the thing that hit home was the fact that this was in our homeland, and it really could have hit our closest kin. I called up all my friends up north to see how there were doing.

" Well, apart from the massive jam, it's been ok" said one of my friends.

Another cheekily added "There's a sampan on the road. A first!"

Well, not so funny for a working partner from O&M who got hit by the tidal wave while haveing a holiday with her hubbie in Phuket.

Thank God they survived - but she's being hospitalised for a swollen leg. Effects of a tree. Hanging on for dear life or she got pinned under?

As for the 3,000 deaths (23,750 deaths reported as of 28 December 2004) in the Asian region in one single night/day, it's more than just shocking. One minute you're there, the next you're gone.

As for the terrorist and the souring Malaysia - Thailand - Indon relations, this would definitely jolt us up to see that hey, life's more than terrorist breeding grounds!

Go help your country men and stop pointing fingers, Mr Thaksin!

Then again, I wouldn't be too surprised if Malaysia was a terrorist breeding ground - since a local univeristy lecturer was involved as well.

Imagine the doctrine he was feeding his unassuming, young freshie university graduates.

Rumour has it that there may be more tremors to come.

Be wary, Malaysians, Asians and all alike.

- jade -

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