Jumping. Jack. Julie. Joyful. Jelly. Jasmine. Anything J...

Friday, October 14, 2005

Post Mortem on Ballet: Six Months After

It's been almost six months since I started ballet. Perhaps, even less.

I couldn't touch the floor in April. But now I can.

I couldn't get my body to do things that I wanted it to do - eg: balance more, get that muscle to pull in that way, this way. But now, I kinda get the hang of it.

I was almost afraid of ballet, given the bad experiences I had at my initial trial class at FAB. The teacher there was only interested in finishing the class, going through the motions which I absolutely detest.

I like creativity, free movement and most of all - self expression.

Good thing is that I made two good friends through ballet. Sarah, my partner in crime in dance. She's fresh too! And Staphanie, the dance teacher!

It's been fun going to ballet, though we can't get some of the advanced steps, and my releve is still "loose", as in, I bend my legs instead of straightening it to give the illusion of super long legs.

But I realise that I need to push myself even more.

I find myself laxing. Where has that 'kiasu' side of me gone to?

We're set to take the exam next year. That should be a great push.

Can't wait to go on pointe, but only get to do that if we get our basics correct =)

Else, I'm enjoying the ride.

One of the list of things which I wanted to do all my life.

More updates soon.


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