Jumping. Jack. Julie. Joyful. Jelly. Jasmine. Anything J...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Move that Boulder!

Midnight is my perfect companion.

That's where the fun begins. In the solitude of the night, the whishing whirls of the fan (unique only to Asian countries, not in the West), and the chirping of "what's it called" bugs with high pitched, but yet soothing calls..I can finally sit down and pen my thoughts.

Today I've learnt new secrets to life's journey, in it's twist and turns...i've discovered new friends, lost old ones...and....slowly becoming perhaps, more subdued through time.

Let me talk about my new discoveries..

1. Geks, Ernest and a new found friend, Lionel (Or Mr Grrrr...) as Al and I would call him, were discussing about the Christian faith, and about the whole concept of Christianity as well as science..and how it matched, or did not match up.

I found out today, though with pinch of salt into what I discussed and heard, that in the high mountains of Tibet, where the Buddhist monks chant, there seems to be a "secret" to the way they chant, that beyond a point of entry - you can't exactly "tape" their chant. It's all white noise. Scratchy, incomprenhensible sounds.

What does chant have to do with the whole issue of discovery?

Open your ears, eyes and minds, friends...and foes alike.

Perhaps, it might have been - the chants could not be recorded for some strange reasons because there was a secret code that refused to be shared to the outside world, or could it be that it's more - a scientific/ technological default that the tape recorder did not work?

What is more interesting is that - the question is asked: How did these Buddhist monks build the maginificent temples, huge, sprawling in the vast and mountainered land of Nepal? How did they move the giant boulders? Same like the Egyptians? How did they, in ancient times - be able to construct amazing features - transport it , carve it to be the beautiful landmarks that still survive?

Some believe that it is in the secret - of the chants.

Is there, a certain click that happens, when a few monks gather and chant, and chant, to a similar tone - that when that tone resonates, the boulder starts moving, without having even a monk lift his finger - to move or touch that boulder.

Literally then, does the boulder move, and roll itself - because of the chant. As the monks chant, and it intensifies - with that same tone - it rolls...all the way to the desired location!

That means---chant to your boulder, and that will move!

I take that with a pinch of salt, but perhaps, it will help us understand how Buddhist monks actually levitate! Maybe it's not spiritual but more - an unlocking of a science theorem. Like how Shaolin monks levitate, fly in the air, do their superbly unnatural stunts - all because of the "chant", and unlocking of an ancient secret - that only the East knew about.

It's interesting to note....

For now, I shall resign to speculation....I believe we should not close our minds to theories, new discoveries...test it indeed..but don't shut out possibillities. God is an amazing God, He is beyond our grasp. A lot of things science has yet to give us answers. Whilst some of us are still stuck in our little hole, finding out the answer - others have already practiced those ancient secrets and answers - the only difference is that...we don't share information.

What is commercially available, is perhaps - not the entirely 100% correct version. Take everything with a pinch of salt, but don't close off options, lest we become ostriches.

One last thought, Jesus said: " You can move mountains if you have faith the size of a mustard seed". To think that, is not impossible, if I truly believed I could chant my way (chanting ha-le-lu-yah) and move Mount Kinabalu) for starters!

I shall try that next time I go East Malaysia..



deadpo8t said...


Anonymous said...

woah! grrrrrr....am i invited to the east? i wanna move some mountains too...hmmm...dear God, grant me superpowers...Please?

jade said...

ahahha...yup...impossible can be possible eh...-JADE-

Anonymous said...

Hi Jadie,

It was nice to see you again! hEHe, wish you all the best in moving the boulders in life.
And oh yeah, by the way, i gave you the wrong website add. thE ACTUAL one is below.


hehe. Luv,

Anonymous said...

RYC: Hi Jade, Becca here! Sorry to use this as a reply box. We're actually based in Bunbury, which is 180km from Perth (about the same distance as KL to Ipoh). I'll email you tomorrow. ;)

Unknown said...

Yo Jade :) just want to say hi as i pop by your blog....ohhh....you are such a pretty girl :)

gilliangel said...

i have it on my calendar that it was your bday last week? No?

if it was happy belated birthday!