Jumping. Jack. Julie. Joyful. Jelly. Jasmine. Anything J...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Project Tampal Muka & Charms...

Yes, that;s me family on the left man. My bro looks like he graduated from Harry Potter's university of some kind. It was quite nice, summer and all. Not too cold, not too hot.

I remember having to "prettify" my brother with tons of tinted moisturizer. Bet you can't see his pimples cuz I covered it so well! Thank me Joni, you owe me for making you look that good!

Charmy Charms has quite a knack for pulling a face. I love the fact that she is SO SO SO organized. Can you imagine, she arranges all her hair clips, her plates, tea cups all in such delicate order!

Something I havta learn from her - being tidy! I am actually one of the "tidiest" at work. Colleagues, testify! Hahaa..but when it comes to my room, it's a totally different story.

One more thing about Charm's is that she's a planner. She already bought her *ahems* present for 2006, anniversary etc etc.

I recall her telling me this: "JADEEEE! You don't have any more petrol in your car! What if we break down half way? What if we can't go up the hill" says Charmy Loke rather exasperately.

"Aiyah..Charm..never hear of reserve tank ah? Sure got few drops left wan. No problem" Jade answers "selambarly"

"You know..my dad always taught me to pump extra, always in advance, must have contingency. Plan ahead! Just in case!" answers Cham, but she knows she can't do much if I don;t budge

Yes, we love each other - but please..we can't live together! =) Right Charms? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

its been so long and i finally see this posting.. hah.. yes.. planner plan plan.. that's me.. ;P

jade said...

=) ahhaa..how sweet of you to call me when you remembered black sesame seed ice cream at sydney
=) yes i miss you! ...
and yes..you are one ms planner plan plan...but i still love you for who you are =)
though..i doubt we can stay together lar... you might kill me..

